Automate My Car
Appliance Repair
Fridge Repair
Dryer Repair
Washer Repair
Dishwasher Repair
Freezer Repair
Commercial Fridge Repair
Appliance repair is often necessary for several reasons. Appliances, like other machines, can malfunction or break down due to normal wear and tear. This can be caused by age, overuse, improper maintenance, or sudden power surges. Hire us for the support!
Fridge repair is necessary for any home that relies heavily on its refrigerator. With regular maintenance, fridges can become efficient and prone to breakdowns, leading to costly repairs or replacements. Please engage experts for help.
Dryer repair is essential for the efficient and safe operation of your dryer. It tends to become inefficient over time and, if left unchecked, can lead to major problems such as fires and excessive energy consumption. Repairing a dryer can help ensure that it runs safely and efficiently while saving you money on expensive repairs.
Washer repair is an important part of keeping your appliance in top condition. A broken washing machine can be a major inconvenience, not to mention an expensive repair bill. Maintenance can help keep your washer running smoothly and efficiently for many years.
Having a dishwasher is one of the most convenient appliances in the home, but when it breaks down or needs repair, it can be very inconvenient. Dishwasher repair from experts is necessary if you want your machine to run efficiently.
Freezer repair is necessary for any household. It is a complex machine that requires regular care to keep running efficiently. When neglected, the parts can wear out prematurely or malfunction altogether. Repairs prolong the life of your appliance and ensure it continues to provide reliable food.
A commercial fridge that needs to be fixed can cause serious business problems. You risk losing valuable food and stock and the potential for health and safety issues due to spoiled food. Commercial fridges are designed to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, so when something goes wrong, contact us.

Home, Office or Anywhere in Between - We keep you Clean!

Our Dedication to doing right by our clients and their vehicles starts with our passion for what we do. Our team of Auto Mates care and can be trusted to provide the service you expect, and always aim to exceed your expectations. With our mobile wash vans, we are able to do our job any where, literally. As long as we have adequate space, i.e. 2 parking spaces, we will be able to get the job done correctly and efficiently with care and attention to detail. Our vans are equipped with filtered water, commercial machines that are safe on all vehicle makes and models, and are small enough to fit in any parking garage, or tight area. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality of service and knowledge about vehicle care services. We believe in providing our customers with an environment that helps them maintain their cars long-term.

Automate is the premier car washing and detailing service in Mesa, AZ. backed by a team of expert technicians, we take pride in providing the highest quality vehicle care to our clients. With over a decade of experience, Automate has honed our expertise to ensure your car looks its best after each visit.


Services We Provide To Help With Your Different Car Care Needs

At Automate, we offer complete hand car wash services, including the exterior, interior, and engine bay treatment. We also offer clay bar service, waxing, and leather conditioning so that you can get the most out of your car’s appearance.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

With Your Trusted Car Service Specialist

The Best Car Care Specialists In Mesa, AZ

At Automate, we take pride in offering first-rate automotive care services throughout Mesa, AZ. Each customer has unique needs for keeping their vehicle clean and presentable. That’s why we work closely with each customer to ensure they receive personalized service tailored to them. Whether a single wash or full-service detail package, our experts will advise you on which options best suit your needs.

We strive to always stay ahead of industry trends by regularly updating our techniques and materials used during our services. Our commitment to excellence means that you can always rely on us for car washing & cleaning services done right the first time!

Call us to schedule a service appointment with Automate - your most trusted car care specialist in Mesa, AZ.

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